Couple of new books to add to our list of offerings to you all:
The new Stephen King is here — Mr. Mercedes — and Jo Nesbø’s The Son.
Remember, we can (and do!) order any book that’s in print if it’s not already in our store, and we can order just about any book out of print as well. Don’t be afraid to ask! We only have so much shelf space, so we rely on you, our customers, to ask us for your favorite new titles. There are no shipping charges, and often if it’s a new title, we can get it for you within a few days.
The science fiction section is being expanded exponentially right now: I brought in about 75 new books this morning and spent a hot humid day shelving, but SF/Fantasy now takes up a full 3 bays right in the front of the store. More books will be coming in in the next few days, so by end of week, we’ll definitely round the corner on that stack of shelves and start in on the other side’s shelves of the bays! Eventually SF/Fantasy should be a goodly portion of our offerings at any time.