Tomorrow (Saturday) promises cloudy skies and rain, but in the 40s! Come soothe your cloudy-day woes with a little cheer in making something!
ALL MAKERS — come to the Stitch ‘n B*tch at Star Cat Books from 1-3pm (across from Bliss Village Store in downtown Bradford).
Bring your latest portable project and hang out with us and chat. Vittles coffee & real English tea (PG Tips!). Bring a snack if you’d like — homemade gets extra points.
All genders welcome; if you have nothing to work on, come bring your favorite topic to b*tch about. We’re all about it!
Can’t come in person? We have Zoom set up — permanent link info is:
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 180258
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Meeting ID: 853 2539 6381
Passcode: 180258
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